LG SIGNATURE and Sydney Dance Company Take Centre Stage

  LG SIGNATURE X Sydney Dance Company When Art Inspires Technology, Technology Completes Art As we prepare to welcome a new season of Sydney Dance Company’s ab [intra] in 2022, LG SIGNATURE has joined forces with Australia’s leading contemporary dance company as Presenting Part… Read Article

Book for RAD Australia’s 2022 Virtual conference!

  Dance and Dance Education in an Age of Interconnectivity January 21 – 22, 2022  RAD Australia invites you to participate in our fourth international conference taking place online, as we examine dance and dance education through the lens of a global shift to digital te… Read Article

Lou Oppenheim Appointed as Executive Director of SDC

  Sydney Dance Company  Lou Oppenheim  Sydney Dance Company recently announced that Lou Oppenheim has been appointed as Executive Director of Sydney Dance Company. This follows Anne Dunn’s resignation in September to become the Executive Director and Co-Chief Executive Offi… Read Article

Hot Talent Watch | Alex Borg

Seeking a Successful Contemporary Life in Europe Interview with Alex Borg Interview by Chris Duncan Meet Alexander Borg. Alex, 22, is a rising talent on the contemporary dance scene and about to embark on the next chapter of his life ⏤ and career ⏤ by moving to London. After this year̵… Read Article

Sydney Dance Company 2022 Annual Program

Sydney Dance Company 2022 Season Elevate Your Senses “After two tumultuous years spent dancing in lounge rooms, on screens and on our own, we are dizzy with the pleasure of performing for you. We have six world premieres, two encore works, a national tour, an international tour, a… Read Article

SDC’s New Breed

Sydney Dance Company Returns to the Stage with New Breed 2021 4 Choreographers Announced Sydney Dance Company, in partnership with Carriageworks and New Breed Principal Partner The Balnaves Foundation, is proud to announce a return to the stage with the eighth edition of New Breed… Read Article

Sydney Dance Company is Back

Contemporary Sydney Dance Company Reopens and Back on Stage Live and Streamed Classes, New Dance Work on Film and New Breed Program 2021 Sydney Dance Company’s Artistic Director Rafael Bonachela today announced the exciting news of the Company’s planned return to the stage, the studi… Read Article

SDC’s Anne Dunn Moving On

  Sydney Dance Company’s Executive Director Anne Dunn moving to Sydney Theatre Company Sydney Dance Company has announced that Executive Director, Anne Dunn is to step down after almost 12 years in the role. Dunn is to be appointed Executive Director and Co-Chief Executiv… Read Article

Nankivell Joins SDC

Gabrielle Nankivell Joins Sydney Dance Company as Training Associate Sydney Dance Company has announced Gabrielle Nankivell will join their Advanced Training Department as a Training Associate. Gabrielle will teach and deliver workshops to Sydney Dance Company’s Pre Profession… Read Article

Sydney Dance Company 2021

Refresh, Renew, Radiant Three Seasons and National Tour for Sydney Dance Company in 2021 With the theme of ‘Refresh, Renew,Radiant’, Sydney Dance Company has announced its 2021 Annual Program which will include seasons for Impermanence,  ab [intra], and New Breed as we… Read Article

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