JamarGig Profile Launches Dancer Profile Competition

JamarGig Dancer Profile Competition JamarGig is thrilled to announce an extraordinary competition that promises to elevate the careers of aspiring dancers around the world. This unique opportunity provides the opportunity for dancers to showcase their skills to world-renowned c… Read Article

Time is Running Out: Diploma in Choreography Program

Choreography Online International Performing Arts & Theatre “Our mission is to empower dance artists, and this program enables them to not only improve their choreographic skills but also gain a recognized qualification that will propel their careers to new heights. By c… Read Article

The Simple Complexity of Dance Teaching

Health & Wellbeing
… And Why Tennis Coaches Do It Better! Advice for Dance Teachers Guest Article by Rick Tjia There is a certain simplicity to learning that seems to often be unnecessarily made complicated when many teachers teach. I will use dance improvisation classes here as an example to illust… Read Article

Part 2: Where Are All the Creative People?

  Rick Tjia Ponders Creativity, Innovation & Ideas Part 2 of 2 Article by Rick Tjia “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.” And therein lies the problem. It is ironic that compani… Read Article
Where are all the creatives?

Where Are All the Creative People?

  Rick Tjia Ponders Creativity, Innovation & Ideas Part 1 of 2 Article by Rick Tjia I will be honest; I hate articles about creativity and innovation. I don’t like hearing people talk about it; I don’t like reading about what one needs to change in their lives to become a creative e… Read Article

Danceboss Book Launch

From Start-Up Enterprise to ‘Dancepreneur’ Debut Book from Chris Duncan Do you dream of starting your own dance business but just don’t know how? Or are you stuck wanting to grow but can’t seem to make progress? Chief executive officer of DanceLife Unite and managing edito… Read Article

Get a Diploma in Choreography Online

Renowned International Companies Join Forces to Deliver Online Qualifications in Australia & NZ Begins 16 January 2022 Canada’s Choreography Online, in collaboration with the United Kingdom’s International Performing Arts and Theatre (I-PATH), has developed and launched a… Read Article

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