REVIEW | Resound

The New RESOUND Highlights the True Strength of SDC Roslyn Packer Theatre Friday, 28 October 2022 Reviewed by Heather Clements After a couple of years in Covid-hibernation, the enthusiasm of seeing Sydney Dance Company (SDC) back on the stage is evident in both the dancers and audience… Read Article


A Triple-Bill by Rafael Bonachela + Stephanie Lake Sydney Dance Company Tracing an arc of emotions that move from a dark turbulent interrogation of recent times through to burgeoning buoyant optimism, Resound is a program of three unique dance works by Rafael Bonachela and Stephani… Read Article

Sydney Dance Company 2022 Annual Program

Sydney Dance Company 2022 Season Elevate Your Senses “After two tumultuous years spent dancing in lounge rooms, on screens and on our own, we are dizzy with the pleasure of performing for you. We have six world premieres, two encore works, a national tour, an international tour, a… Read Article

UNREAL at Sydney Fringe

Austinmer Dance Theatre presents UNREAL Sydney Fringe | Sept 5-9 After its May premiere, Austinmer Dance Theatre, the Illawarra’s only professional dance company, will proudly bring their first fully-fledged international triple bill – UNREAL – to the Sydney F… Read Article

UNREAL Contemporary Triple Bill

Austinmer Dance Theatre presents UNREAL Youth Contemporary Triple Bill Austinmer Dance Theatre the Illawarra’s only professional dance company, boldly brings together three of the contemporary dance worlds major choreographic forces in their first fully International t… Read Article

'T W O' at Adelaide Fringe

Austinmer Dance Theatre presents ‘T W O’ Adelaide Fringe Festival  |  March 16 – 18 WIN TICKETS!! NSW’s Austinmer Dance Theatre boldly brings together two of the contemporary dance world’s major choreographic forces in a daring new production, T W O, at the Adela… Read Article

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