ACTIVATE Emerging Artist Program

ACTIVATE Catapult Dance Choreographic Hub Activate is a brand-new program for emerging choreographers, physical theatre and performance practitioners in the Hunter region. The Activate program is the first of its kind. This program provides all participants with financial suppo… Read Article

Sharp Short Dance Winners

Full Results of Sharp Short Dance 2019 17 Finalists Selected The 12th annual Sharp Short Dance festival presented by FORM Dance Projects was held in western Sydney over November 12-16. The winners were announced on Saturday 16th November following an exciting final held at Riverside T… Read Article

Sharp Short Dance 2019

Young Dancers & Choreographers Showcase Talent November 12 – 16 WIN TICKETS! … We have 2x double passes to giveaway to the Final of Sharp Short Dance on Saturday 16th November. To win send in your name and number to win@dance… Read Article

Flipside presents Fragile Terrain

Free Performance by Newcastles Catapult’s Youth Initiative In Collaboration with UK’s Rutherford Dance Company | July 5 On Friday 5th July 7pm Catapult Dance’s youth initiative, The Flipside Project will perform a series of new works entitled The Fragile Terrain at the… Read Article

Winners of Sharp Short Dance 2018

Winners of Eleventh Annual Western Sydney Dance Festival Announced Biggest Year for Sharp Short Dance The winners of the 11th annual Sharp Short Dance festival, presented by FORM Dance Projects, were announced on Saturday 17th November following an impressive final event held at R… Read Article


Catapult Dance by Toni Ambrogetti Catapult Dance is a not-for-profit dance organization based in Newcastle, NSW, founded by Cadi McCarthy, award winning dancer and choreographer. Catapult aims to strengthen the contemporary dance scene in Newcastle and the Hunter region by provid… Read Article

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