Hi, Sydney Opera House here! We’re writing to you to give you a heads up on a competition we are launching on July 12 – next Monday – for dancers of all ages and abilities.
In collaboration with YouTube, Sydney Opera House will stage our online dance competition, MyMutation for the second year as part of Spring Dance festival 2010.
The winner will score the ultimate prize of performing in front of thousands of people on the Sydney Opera House Forecourt plus $2000 and a Sony HD Flash Handycam and a ‘Bloggie’ HD Snap Video Camera.
Check out the video on Monday when it goes live at www.YouTube.com/SydneyOperaHouse and the rest of the Spring Dance program at www.sydneyoperahouse.com/SpringDance.
Follow us on facebook – www.facebook.com/spring.dance to stay tuned to MyMutation updates.