DirtyFeet presents Out of the Studio
Dance as a shared culture
Sydneyʼs DirtyFeet is a not-for-profit contemporary dance organisation run by artists, for artists. In June, DirtyFeet will present first-draft dance works from two early-career choreographers Matt Cornell and Thomas E.S. Kelly at Shopfront Co-Op in Carlton, NSW.
The act of dancing is embedded in the shaping of our shared cultures. DirtyFeet’s Out of the Studio will delve further into this notion and make comment on how the act of dancing brings people together to co-exist, how this has been happening throughout history, and how this is continuing in our culture today.
DirtyFeet is very excited to announce that the 2017 Out of the Studio choreographers are Matt Cornell and Thomas E.S. Kelly.

The presentation platform brings simple staging into the equation early in the development of work, to bridge the gap from the studio to the theatre. The low-key performances are opportunities for experimentation, feedback and discovery in the theatre space. Come along and support these artists’ new works in the early stages of development.
The Out of the Studio program provides an opportunity for these artists to further develop ideas they have previously explored with DirtyFeet. The presentation platform allows each choreographer to bring simple staging into the equation early in the development of a dance work, bridging the gap from the studio to the theatre.
About the choreography
Coexisting Entities by Thomas E.S. Kelly, sees the developing of a way to create a new world where Indigenous, non-Indigenous and spiritual creatures intersect. A place void of day or night, a world where coexistence is existing. Achieving this through the amalgamated physical language of cultural knowledge and western structures with a bit of imagination.
I Learnt My Cultural Dance From YouTube by Matt Cornell, explores the idea that when dance moves and styles go viral, they take up residence in our bodies and notions of self, and that this is the cultural dance of a mobile, connected, globalised community.

To be in the audience for I Learnt My Cultural Dance From YouTube, please email your mobile phone number (including country code) to gifofdance@mattcornell.com. During the season you will receive one (simultaneous worldwide premiere) dance work per day. Your mobile phone will need to be able to receive SMS/MMS. Any ‘smartphone’ is recommended. The small amount of data used to download a GIF (under 500kb) should be included in your telecommunication providers’ data allowance and you normally will not incur additional cost.
Check with your telco about receiving MMS if concerned.
Performers and collaborators: Tiyan Baker, Mikaela Carr, Lauren Eiko, Jessica Holman, Vanessa Marian, Libby Montilla, Taree Sansbury and Kassidy Waters.
DirtyFeet is a Sydney-based not for profit contemporary dance organisation supporting independent dance artists and promoting community engagement in the arts. DirtyFeet is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW, FORM Dance Projects and Shopfront Arts Co-Op.