Performers are passionate peeps and there’s no doubt that anyone with a passionate heart and a mind for success will have rung up some major wins last year. You’ll have taken stock of your 2009 experiences, income, health and opportunities, and now you’re asking yourself, ‘How can I make 2010 even better?’
As you answer that important question, can you also put up that well trained arm of yours and say you have written down your 2010 life goals? What’s that? You don’t yet HAVE specific goals for 2010?
Don’t worry. You are not alone. But if you do write your goals up, you are statistically much more likely to achieve them, increase your income, enhance your experiences, and bring your wishes to life. In fact if you have someone who you report your progress to, your success is dramatically more likely to happen… sooner!
The first thing I ask when people come to me for career coaching is ‘What do you want?’. ” I want to be in Musical Theatre” comes the reply normally. Which makes sense seeing that’s my specialty. It’s from that starting point that I’ve helped many people get their foot in the stage door, as it were.
But one of the most important steps you can take in your career, is to design exactly the kind of lifestyle you want your work to interlace with. These lifestyle goals need to be specific and fun to create. Remember this isn’t supposed to be a prediction. It’s more like a target.
By now, many of you know my personal mission is to help as many people as possible reach their full potential and live the life of their dreams. So get ready to rip this gift below, and paste into your blog or facebook or wha-eva. It’s especially for you, so be sure to use it please. You are welcome to share it with family and friends. Don’t be tight. Share the love. That’s the first step to getting what YOU want in life.
The 4 Moves to More – Tia Jordan’s gift to you
Move #1. Prepare To Win. Put your favourite up beat music on – something that juices you up. Stand up and feeling FANTASTIC put a smile on that dial of yours! Dance if it increases how AMAZING you feel. Now you’re in touch with what really matters and what you really want.
Move #2. Get Clear. Feeling AMAZING ask yourself: What do I want for my career? What job opportunities? What challenges? In what areas of the industry? Ask questions like: Who do I want to work with? For what kind of income? Where in the world? Now write those answers up.
Move #3. Storyboard Your Future. The brain organises in pictures and symbols. So a picture really does says a thousand words to your mind. Go through magazines or the internet to find pictures that remind you of the goals you’ve written up. Create an inspiring montage on your favourite coloured cardboard by pasting the pictures on it in a way that makes you excited when you look at it. Glue at least one pic of you into the montage so you feel connected to the goal.
Move #4. Give Thanks. Be grateful for your future like it’s already happened. Give thanks to a higher power. (eg. your angel, your creator, the universe)
The Secret Move #5. I absolutely believe in the law of attraction, like in that film and book The Secret. But that’s only ONE of thousands of laws. Use the law of Cause and Effect too. The ACTIONS you take(or don’t take) CAUSE a RESULT or EFFECT. Meet your angel guides half way, and TAKE ACTION TOWARDS ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS. Goals won’t show up by looking at your storyboard alone.
For more information about Tia Visit www.auditionguru.com
Tia is running her successful Scene It! Believe It! Live It! Workshop on Sunday 21 February. Get all the info HERE! Register today, places are limited.