A Little Night Music Announces Season Extension

Musical Theatre
A Little Night Music Hayes Theatre Co After opening last week to both audience and critical acclaim, Hayes Theatre Co today announced an extra week of performances of the Stephen Sondheim classic musical A Little Night Music. In its first week of previews, Sydney audiences have been ch… Read Article

Ticket Giveaway for A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol Comedy Theatre, Melbourne We are giving away a 2x double pass tickets for A Christmas Carol on November 13, 2022, at Comedy Theatre, Melbourne. Find out how you can win tickets to see this amazing show – read to the end of the article for details. GWB Entertainment today a… Read Article

New Cast Members Announced for Jekyll and Hyde

Musical Theatre
Jekyll and Hyde The Musical Hayes Theatre from 29 July Hayes Theatre Co is thrilled to announce the full cast of the upcoming Australian professional premiere of Jekyll and Hyde at the Hayes Theatre from 29 July. Completing the cast of this musical phenomenon are Melanie Bird (Next to… Read Article

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