PTW | Robbie Kmetoni

Pro Talent Watch | Robbie Kmetoni He’s ‘Happy’ Now … but what’s next?   There is no denying Robbie Kmetoni is a big deal. Since he won the 2010 season of Australia’s So You Think You Can Dance he has been celebrated for his incredible talent an… Read Article

Michelle Smitheram

Right now, Life is a Cabaret for Michelle Smitheram Michelle Smitheram is not one to pass up life’s opportunities – they have led her on a successful path so far. Currently, she is appearing in the revival of musical favourite – CABARET – playing at the Hayes Th… Read Article

Wrapping Up the 2015 ADF

The 2015 Australian Dance Festival was held at Sydney’s Olympic Park over September 11-13 September Anna Rizzo gives a wrap-up of the event for DanceLife Sydney Olympic Park was awash with budding dancers eagerly awaiting their chance to perform at the biggest dance event in the… Read Article

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