Sharp Short Dance 2018 | WIN TIX!

Unearthing the Best Young Dancers & Choreographers, Judges Announced November 13 – 17 | Riverside Theatres PLUS! … Win a double pass to attend Heat 2 on Wed 14th November at 7:30pm. To enter email your name and number to win@dan&… Read Article

Football Inspired Dance

Champions World Premiere at Sydney Festival | Jan 17-22 “Dancers are the cleverest with their feet, next are footballers,” Johan Cruyff – soccer legend Hot on the heels of their 2015 Sydney Festival hit PUNCTURE, FORM Dance Projects and Sydney Festival present the world-premiere of CH… Read Article

At last … Dance Dads!

Contemporary Dance DADS! New Work from Dance Makers Collective WIN TICKETS! Dance Makers Collective have called in some unlikely experts for their next show – their dads! From 2 – 5 November, FORM Dance Projects and Riverside Theatres will present the new highly-antici… Read Article

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