Queensland Ballet | La Bayadere

World Premiere of new La Bayadere Opens 2018 Season for QB March 16 – 31 Queensland Ballet audiences will be given a rare treat when the Company opens its first production for the 2018 season on March 16 with the world premiere of Greg Horsman’s La Bayadere. Horsman’s lavish product… Read Article

Principal Leaves QLD Ballet

Long-time Principal Clare Morehen to Leave Queensland Ballet Last season in RAW from March 17 After 13 years with Queensland Ballet, Principal Artist Clare Morehen has decided to move on from the company. Artistic Director Li Cunxin reflected on Clare’s hard work, natural gift… Read Article

Li to Continue at Queensland Ballet

Li Cunxin will stay on as Artistic Director of Queensland Ballet Plus … the 2017 Season Announced Li Cunxin has confirmed he will stay at the helm of Queensland Ballet as Artistic Director for another four years until 2020. Mr Li is an acclaimed former ballet dancer and renowned for… Read Article

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