REVIEW | When The Night Comes

When The Night Comes Captivating and Enigmatic: An Experience That Will Indulge Your Senses Reviewed by Brendan Daynes When The Night Comes invites you on an immersive journey into a world of hedonistic delights and intoxicating sensations. Produced by the innovative team at Broad En… Read Article

REVIEW | Love, Lust, Lost

Love, Lust, Lost A Theatrical Odyssey of Epic Proportions Reviewed by Brendan Daynes In the vast landscape of contemporary theatre, where innovation often takes centre stage, Love Lust Lost by Broad Encounters emerges as a radiant supernova of creativity, storytelling prowess, and… Read Article

Love Lust Lost Previews Start This Week

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Love Lust Lost The Austral, Collingwood Broad Encounters announced the remarkable multi-disciplinary cast of the brand new immersive theatrical epic Love Lust Lost that had its first preview last September 8 2023 at The Austral, Collingwood. Trained in aerial acrobatics, circus, p… Read Article

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