REVIEW | Phantom Of The Opera

  Right From the Opening Lines You Felt Engaged and Captivated John Sutherland Theatre Reviewed by Karina Lawrence Walking into the Sydney Opera House nestled in amongst the stunning Sydney Harbour felt quite nostalgic, creating anticipation in what lay ahead with watching the… Read Article

Phantom of The Opera

Musical Theatre
First Look at Australian Cast in Rehearsal Only 3 Weeks Until the Chandelier Drops! The energy in the rehearsal room continues to intensify as the 37-strong company count down towards the first preview of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera at the globally renowned Sydney… Read Article

The Wizard of Oz

Musical Theatre
Anthony Warlow heads new production of The Wizard of Oz Brisbane & Sydney | Nov & Dec 2017 One of the oldest and most loved musicals of all time – The Wizard of Oz – will return as an Aussie premiere of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s London Palladium production in Brisbane and S… Read Article

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