Call Out for Dancers of All Abilities for DirtyFeet’s Inclusive Workshops
May 14-16, Redfern Town Hall
Registrations are now open for DirtyFeet’s The Right Foot ⏤ creative dance workshops for people with and without disability between the ages of 14 and 30 years.
DirtyFeet invites participants from all backgrounds and experiences to their popular workshop series The Right Foot. The workshop series focuses on contemporary dance and performance techniques and culminates in a performance sharing at Redfern Town Hall.
Open to participants aged 14-30 with or without disability. The program focuses on dance training, improving the health and wellbeing of participants, and is a confidence-building creative outlet. Leading the workshop series this year are DirtyFeet’s facilitators Gabriella Green-Olea and Chris Bunton.

Chris Bunton is an actor, gymnast and dancer who just happens to have Down Syndrome. Chris has been involved in The Right Foot since the first workshop series in 2012. DirtyFeet saw great potential in Chris and brought him on as a workshop leader back in 2013 to present.
“I am excited to be taking part in these workshops, where I can share my creative practice and experience with others, and I can’t wait to see what the participants will create this year,” said Chris Bunton.
Gabriella Green-Olea is an activist and dance artist who works across many mediums, working with all people and within inclusive environments. Gabriela was a successful DirtyFeet Choreographic Lab recipient in 2019 and due to her interest in inclusive dance practice was trained and engaged to assist in the delivery of The Right Foot program 2020, and will again engage to co-facilitate our workshops in 2021.

“I believe dance belongs to everyone and my practice is about facilitating social creative spaces and connecting with diverse communities. Coming back to dance together in 2021 is very important as the idea of space, time, connection, community and interdependence is very different. It is important that we take the time to connect to our changing bodies and from this authentic place find connection with others and the world. In these workshops we will be exploring connection in new ways acknowledging that strength is in diversity,” said Gabriela.
DirtyFeet has made some exciting changes to their much loved inclusive workshop series for 2021 programming and into the future. The Right Foot will now be delivered as a 3 day consecutive workshop.
DirtyFeet is committed to the professional development of young dancers with and without disability and is passionate about finding ways for professional artists to give back to the community.
The Right Foot offers contemporary dance workshops for young people with and without disability, providing a creative activity for those who may otherwise not have access to dance. They believe in the positive impact dance has on people’s lives – it is a creative way to improve health and fitness, encourage self-expression and build confidence.
DirtyFeet is asking participants to utilise their NDIS funds to contribute to these professional workshops. DirtyFeet is not registered as an NDIS service provider, however, there are many opportunities to utilise your NDIS funding to access our programs. If you are self-managed, or have a Plan Manager, you can use NDIS funding to attend our programs. If you have any financial concerns, please email Zoe Morgan zoe@dirtyfeet.com.au